Sadqa Appeal

A small amount of Sadqa can help the less fortunate. Show your faith, Earn blessings, and Donate Today.

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What Is Sadqa?

In Islamic tradition, Sadqa meaning is the voluntary giving of alms or charity, viewed as a moral obligation and an act of worship. It serves to purify wealth and strengthen faith. Sadqa manifests in various forms, including donating money to charities, aiding the needy, or feeding the hungry. This practice of sadqa meaning, rooted in Islamic teachings for centuries, is a vital aspect of leading a virtuous life.

Sadqa refers to any selfless act of kindness without expecting anything in return. Sadaqatul jariya, on the other hand, is a lasting form of kindness, a gesture that keeps giving even after you're no longer present.

This frequently involves financing the building of a water well or water plant, planting useful trees like fruits and olives, or aiding in the construction of a masjid or any other medical facility.

Benefits of Sadqa Donation to Edhi Foundation

Everyone deserves a better life, but unfortunately, poverty hinders their survival.
Support them today!

Donating Sadqa to Edhi Foundation offers multifaceted benefits, contributing to positive societal impact and individual spiritual growth. Giving sadqa online, or voluntary charity, holds a central place in Islamic teachings, promoting generosity and compassion.

By choosing Edhi Foundation UK as the recipient, donors support a renowned organization committed to humanitarian causes. The benefits of sadqa extend to tangible improvements in the lives of those in need, ranging from funding healthcare services to providing education and disaster relief.

In addition to these benefits, contributing to Edhi Foundation UK through Sadqa also plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of unity and community. The act of giving, rooted in the principles of generosity and compassion, not only positively impacts individuals in need but also strengthens the bond among members of society

The Prophet (saw) said that “The Believers Shade On The Day Of Resurrection Will Be His Sadqa” (Hadith Tirmidhi)

Edhi Foundation has a proven track record of efficiently utilizing funds for charitable initiatives, ensuring that sadqa donations make a meaningful difference. Donating water wells, masjids and other facilities, donors contribute to long-term community development that can transform lives and communities.

Moreover, the act of giving Sadqa online fosters a sense of responsibility, empathy, and gratitude, enhancing the donor's spiritual well-being. By aligning with Edhi Foundation, donors join a noble cause that transcends borders, positively impacting lives and embodying the essence of compassionate giving.

Types of  Sadqa

Explore the concept in this section, covering various types like zakat, sadqa jariyah, al-fitr, and for
needy families, education, healthcare, and emergency relief.     

Zakat: The Required Act of Charity

Zakat is a compulsory charity in Islam, mandated for eligible Muslims. Typically, it's 2.5% of total wealth if it reaches the nisab, varying for gold, silver, currency, livestock, and crops.

Sadqa Jariyah: The continuous charity

Sadqa Jariyah is a lasting charity that keeps benefiting others even after the donor's death. Examples include water pump charity, building a well, planting a tree, or establishing a school.

Sadqa al-Fitr: Charity for Breaking the Fast

Sadqa al-Fitr is a particular charity given after Ramadan, before Eid al-Fitr prayers, or after the last day's sunset. It usually consists of 3 kilograms of staple food, like wheat or rice, provided to enjoy Eid celebrations.

Sadqa for Needy Families: Supporting Those in Need

In Islam, giving charity (sadqa) to the needy is strongly encouraged, seen as a worshipful act with significant rewards. Sadqa for needy families is especially virtuous, aiding those in poverty.

Sadqa for Education: Helping Others Access Learning

Donating Sadqa for education supports initiatives that facilitate both children and adults, ensuring broader access to valuable learning opportunities from Edhi Foundation.

Sadqa for Healthcare: Helping Others Access Medical Care

Donating Sadqa for healthcare helps fund initiatives offering medical care to those in need. This can involve building hospitals, providing equipment, medical treatments for lasting impact.

Abdul Sattar Edhi

Abdul Sattar Edhi Humanitarian Legend

Born in 1928 in the small village of Bantva near Joona Garh, Gujrat (India), Abdul Sattar Edhi's journey of compassion began with the seeds planted in his soul during his mother's illness. At the age of eleven, when his mother became paralyzed and later suffered from mental illness, Edhi devoted himself to her care.

He undertook the responsibilities of cleaning, bathing, changing clothes, and feeding her. Despite his efforts, the battle against the disease proved to be challenging, and his mother's helplessness grew over the years. This early experience shaped Edhi's lifelong commitment to alleviating the suffering of humanity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQs for clear insights on giving, eligibility, and the positive impact
your contribution can make in transforming lives.
  • When to give Sadqa?

    You can give any amount at any time of the year; it's a voluntary act of sadqa charity and worship. Difference between Sadqa and Zakat? Sadqa is entirely voluntary, with any amount given at any time. Zakat is obligatory, due from every Muslim meeting or exceeding the nisab threshold yearly.

  • Best way to give Sadqa?

    Numerous recommended ways exist, guided by the Hadith: "The most beloved deeds to Allah are those most consistent, even if small" (Bukhari).

  • How many types of Sadqa?

    Countless types include monetary and abstract, such as donating time, offering a smile, or easing someone's hardship. Common forms include giving money and assisting those less able physically or mentally.

  • Can I give Sadqa to a mosque?

    Yes, it can be given to a mosque or any sadqa charity.

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