Our History

Assessing societal progress involves prioritizing care for the sick, weak, and needy. Yet, in many developing nations, resources are skewed toward defense and technology, leaving social development lagging due to financial limitations.

Historical Perspective

Every society is destined to face the problems of looking after the welfare of the sick, the weak, the destitute and the needy. All societies are alike in this respect. One way of assessing the status of a society on the road to civilization is the value accorded to an individual and his basic human needs.

These have not always received the attention they deserve in the planning of economics, particularly in developing countries. Most of the available resources are consumed by defense needs and pressing demands for technological progress.

Programs for development in the social sector remain a long way behind, mainly because of financial constraints. Special efforts are, therefore, needed to mobilize community resources to initiate and develop programs for the welfare of the weak and the disadvantaged members of society.

Nation Wide Network

A. Sattar Edhi has spent over 45 years of his life in the service of humanity. He has established, more or less single handedly, a national welfare network, Edhi Foundation (EF), which operates from a small headquarter, in a poor locality of Karachi.

The simplicity of central office is amazing in view of the wide range of the nation-wide services co-ordinated by Edhi personally with the help of telephones and a handful of assistants. It is, therefore, not easy to manage the strange mixture of complexity of operations and use of administrative communication channels with the limited staff. This has inevitably resulted in the centralisation of policy decisions.

However, with the general spread of the services to all parts of the country and an increasing awareness of the public, the way has been paved for greater involvement of communities in the management of welfare services. Edhi displays a remarkable stamina and energy at the advanced age of seventy to keep himself informed about all activities of the Foundation in all parts of Pakistan. He travels in Pakistan and abroad extensively for this purpose and conveys a feeling of being there, when needed.

Abdul Sattar Edhi: A Leader in Helping Others

People lovingly call him "Abbu" or "Nana" because of the care he provides. He is not a typical person – he didn't go to school to learn about helping others. But he learned a lot on his own and became really good at helping people practically. Many admire him for his humble and caring nature, especially in Pakistan.
Abdul Sattar Edhi stands out because of his simple and dedicated way of helping humanity, and people from all over the world look up to him for his kindness.

Leading Humanity with Humbleness

Edhi never stops helping people, even when others ignore him or threaten him. He doesn't go to parties because he wants to spend all his time helping others. Edhi cares a lot about women's rights. He gives girls a chance to learn and work and lets women have important jobs in his organization. People all over the world admire him for being so kind and inspiring others to be kind too.

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