Edhi Rikshaw “Rozgar” Scheme

CNG auto rickshaws were being provided to unemployed youths of our nation and country, with a view to reduce the unemployment rate from our country on “no profit and no loss basis” as the many surveys and findings were indicating that the unemployment has alarmingly increased thereby aggravating, the already grave situation of unemployment in our country.

Rickshaw scheme was launched with a view to save the breadwinners from financial hardships, as supporting one breadwinner – means supporting the whole family members. And in case of any depriving the breadwinner from a permanent job – means to push him and his entire family members to the stage of grave financial hardships and difficulties.

Edhi believes in following the life of simplicity and austerity, trying to always play the role of, blessing hand for the needy, his national and international level services, has given him the leading role player by showing his holiness to the distressed and less-privileged people.

He never came under the trap of any expediency like others who are running their trusts and NGOs, yet major share of their financial resources is being spent for the welfare of their management and staff members, yet Edhi never spent any amount of Edhi Foundation, for his own sake. He is spending all his resources for the sake of needy, less privileged people, and disabled people – all these exclusive roles make him different from other social welfare service providers.